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To Love our children | Sleep deprivation

As parents, we are bound by an unwavering love for our children—a love that transcends time, space, and even our own well-being. One of the most profound sacrifices we make for our little ones is the sacrifice of sleep. In the journey of parenthood, sleep deprivation becomes not just a passing phase, but a badge of honor worn proudly in the name of love.

Our boys Abel (age3) and Connor (age7mo) have quite different sleep schedules and patterns. They do say all children differ and this can't be further from the truth. Connor of course being a baby sleeps a lot throughout the day. He sleeps full nights occasionally waking up to eat and several naps during the day. On the other hand Abel most of the time doesn't sleep. It's like he's an insomniac !

And from the moment our children are born, our sleep patterns are forever altered. Gone are the nights of uninterrupted slumber, replaced by the cries and needs of our precious bundles of joy. Whether it's soothing a colicky infant, tending to a sick child, or comforting a nightmare-stricken toddler, the demands of parenthood often leave us bleary-eyed and weary.

I mean seriously! One moment we were adults attending to our own desires. Fun and relaxation were easily achieved. And only now we find ourselves catering to two boys as it's the only thing that matters.

Yet, amidst the exhaustion and fatigue, there lies a profound sense of purpose—a deep-rooted commitment to nurturing and protecting our children at all costs. We sacrifice our own rest to ensure theirs, rocking them to sleep in the quiet hours of the night, comforting them with whispered lullabies, and holding them close until the dawn breaks anew.

I'll spend the hour it takes to get our youngest Connor to sleep in his room. Meanwhile Kenyin spends the last hours of his night before he needs to sleep for his busy work day ahead with our eldest. Making sure Abel is well taken care of by having a snack, brushing his teeth and more. They read books, sing songs and say prayers. To end the routine they cuddle up in bed watching cartoons until Abel falls asleep.

As our children grow, so too do the demands on our time and energy. From chauffeuring them to endless activities to helping them solve challenges late into the evening, the responsibilities of parenthood often extend far beyond the boundaries of daylight.

And yet, despite the challenges and sacrifices, there is an undeniable beauty in the bond forged through sleepless nights and bleary-eyed mornings. In those quiet moments of solitude, when the rest of the world sleeps soundly, we find ourselves enveloped in the warmth of our children's love—a love that knows no bounds, no conditions, and no limits.

In the grand tapestry of parenthood, sleep deprivation is but a small thread—a thread woven with unwavering devotion, selflessness, and unconditional love. It is a testament to the extraordinary lengths we will go to for the ones we hold most dear—a reminder that the greatest joys in life often come hand in hand with the greatest sacrifices.

So, to all the sleep-deprived parents out there, take heart in knowing that your exhaustion is not in vain. It is a testament to the depth of your love, the strength of your commitment, and the boundless joy that comes from raising the next generation. And though the road may be long and arduous, know that you are not alone.

Together, we navigate the sleepless nights and weary days, fueled by the undying love that binds us to our children—a love that knows no bounds and knows no end. 🌹

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